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The next generation of autonomous drilling

The AutoMine® Concept Underground Drill is a fully autonomous, twin-boom development drill rig capable of drilling without human interaction. The cabinless battery-electric drill can plan and execute the entire drilling cycle from tramming to the face, setting up for drilling, drilling the pattern and returning home to charge for the next cycle.

Less than two years after introducing the AutoMine® Concept Loader – the first fully autonomous underground mining machine built specifically for automation – Sandvik has expanded its vision from autonomous mucking to autonomous drilling with its AutoMine® Concept Underground Drill.

AutoMine® Concept Underground Drill #WhoIsAmelia? 

Automine® Concept Loader

Automine® Concept – The next generation of autonomous mining

AutoMine® Concept – The Next Generation of Autonomous Mining

AutoMine® Concept – The Next Generation of Autonomous Mining

AutoMine® Concept - the next generation of mining automation - Behind the scenes

Visit Sandvik Alpha® 340 product page

Sandvik Alpha™ 340 is an advanced development based on the popular Sandvik Alpha™ system. It replaces successful Alpha™ 330 thread system and offers up to 30% longer service life, resulting in increased productivity and reduced cost per meter advanced.

Visit Sandvik Alpha® 360 product page

Sandvik Alpha™ 360 is an addition to the unique Sandvik Alpha™ system. Its robust design offers double the lifespan compared to industry standard solutions, making it suitable for various drilling conditions. It combines durability with precise hole accuracy, resulting in increased productivity for tunneling and mine development.

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