Our way of working for a sustainable shift
At Sandvik Rock Tools we are determined to take action when it comes to sustainability. We are on our most important journey to date - to make the mining industry as sustainable as possible and secure the necessary minerals we needed to make the shift towards a sustainable future.
This report, that we call the “Our way report”, is created to give our customers, employees and other important stakeholders an annual overview of where we stand in terms of the progress of our sustainability efforts.
The Our way report outlines our approach at the division level within Sandvik Rock Tools, focusing on climate change and circularity. For comprehensive sustainability reporting, we refer to the Sandvik Group’s annual report.
Our way report 2023

Our commitment to sustainability is ingrained in our company culture and drives continual improvement and innovation, benefiting the mining business.
Maria Hugosson, President Rock Tools division
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

Download Our way report
Our way report 2023 offers a comprehensive overview of our sustainability initiatives, including case studies and key performance indicators. It highlights our mission and achievements, with a strategic emphasis on three core areas:
- Leading the way
- Building circularity
- Shifting climate
Focus on sustainability is not just a moral duty; it’s a strategic investment. By prioritizing sustainability, we strengthen our brand, not only in today’s market but also for the future.
Colin Zheng, Quality and EHS Manager Production Unit Wuxi
Sandvik Rock Tools
We focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through conscious choices and ongoing dialogue with our distributors, ensuring development without compromising our level of service.
Johan Jigemark, Global Freight Professional
Sandvik Rock Tools