Our way of working for a sustainable shift
In the Rock Tools division, we are committed to incorporating
sustainability into every aspect of our business. We believe that sustainability should come through intelligent practices that benefit both ours and our customers business as well as the environment.

With the ten warmest years on record occurring in the past decade, it is more important than ever to focus on solid actions to be part of the solution for a sustainable future.
Magnus Selling, Sustainability Manager
Sandvik Rock Tools

Sustainability mission statement
We are a part of the solution:
We commit to climate action to reach or exceed targets agreed in the Paris agreement. We will reach carbon neutrality in our entire value chain by 2045.
We take responsibility for our business impacts:
We drive continuous improvement of sustainable mining and construction practices. Our offerings will not only be of the highest quality and effectiveness but also the most resource-efficient and circular.
We optimize our operations:
Our operations, logistics and supplier base will be climate neutral, resource-lean and, as a result, nearly zero waste. We aim for zero harm to people.
We are sustainable people:
We shall be a true learning organization with the highest level of knowledge and awareness within sustainability. Sustainability is always part of what we do.
Rock Tools sustainability focus areas
To achieve Sandvik Rock Tools sustainability mission statement, we have implemented a governance process guided by three focus areas. Each one contains measurable goals that are followed and revised regularly to ensure that plans, investments and activities deliver sustainable results in wanted direction.
All Sandvik Rock Tools functions have their own unique scorecard with relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for their operations. The scorecard set the foundation for the function’s long- and short-term sustainability projects and activities. This is a key factor to involve all functions and employees and for our sustainability work to be successful.