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Sandvik to demonstrate remote mining at Euro Mine Expo

The latest in autonomous drilling technology will be featured at the Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions stand at Euro Mine Expo 2024, held on May 28-30.

Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions will present the AutoMine® Surface Drilling automation system and Leopard™ DI650i down-the-hole (DTH) drill rig for remote mining, at the Euro Mine Expo in Skellefteå, Sweden. Sandvik, will hold live demonstrations of remote drilling along with customer Boliden. The Sandvik AutoMine® Surface Drilling automation system enables fully autonomous drilling operations for improved safety, increased productivity and cost-efficiency. With this automation system, a single operator is able to control multiple drilling rigs in a comfortable and safe environment, either from a visual line of sight or from a remote control room.

The Leopard™ DI650i drill rig is built for demanding high-capacity production drilling in surface mining and large quarry applications. It is compatible with AutoMine® Surface Drilling to enable fully autonomous fleet operation. From its Euro Mine Expo stand, Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions will demonstrate how these remote solutions work – namely by conducting autonomous surface drilling at Boliden’s Kevitsa mine in Finland. Last year, Boliden Kevitsa selected Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions to supply the AutoMine® Surface Drilling system and two Leopard™ DI650i drill rigs.

“Boliden is investing in automated technologies including AutoMine® and Leopard™ DI650i drill rigs to improve sustainability, productivity and safety,” says Antti Niemi, Sales Manager Surface Drilling, Territory Nordics, Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions. “Operations run 24/7 at the Kevitsa open pit mine where temperatures can drop below -30 degrees Celsius in winter. With AutoMine® they can operate drilling from a comfortable remote control room and have the support of Sandvik technicians 365 days a year.”

Euro Mine Expo is held in Skellefteå, Sweden every other year. The trade show and conference gathers mining professionals from around the world to exchange knowledge and showcase the latest technologies and innovations in mining. Two hundred exhibitors and more than 2,000 participants are expected to attend this year.

For further information, please contact:
Gabriella Winnberg
Marketing and Communications Manager, Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions
Tel: +46 70 616 44 63
Email: gabriella.winnberg@sandvik.com

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Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions
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